Monday, 21 September 2015

Canon G10 Macro

The Canon G10 was handy when again the evening light hit the vase of fading Sunflowers on our window ledge.

I used the G10 set to macro and simply knocked off some shots without really looking at the screen, just relying on the focus confirmation beep.

I was rather pleased with these two abstract images.

Processed from RAW in Lr, Ps and EFX-Pro.

Canon Powershot G10 in Macro mode

Canon Powershot G10 in Macro mode

Friday, 18 September 2015

Olympus Pen E1 rediscovered

If you have read this blog from the start, or were just drunk, or bored and read it all in one sitting once you had scrolled down 20 pages in a Google search, then you will know I have an Olympus Pen E1.

I liked the Pen but it was kidnapped and taken to China by my daughter and spent 12 months there with her.

Its now back, as is my daughter, and its been lying around in the the house, much like her, after she used it to take photos of some stuff she was putting on eBay.

This evening the setting sun hit a vase of Sunflowers that we have and so I grabbed the Pen as it was handy and got some images before I lost the light.

I used the standard Olympus Zuiko 14-42mm lens and when I looked at the images on the monitor I was really impressed. The Pen was set to jpg capture so no RAW conversion here.

Olympus Pen EP-L1/Zuiko 14-42

Olympus Pen EP-L1/Zuiko 14-42

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Canon G10 Aberystwyth

I finally got to take the Canon G10 somewhere other than back and forth to work in my manbag.

I rode to Aberystwyth recently to view the Phillip Griffiths exhibition in the National Library in Aberystwyth, which is well worth a visit.

I only have s small seat bag that attaches to the pillion seat so no space for my Fuji X-Pro1 never mind the Canon 5DII. So I chucked in the G10.

It was a quick overnight stay so not a great deal of time to explore Aber photographically so these images were taken on the way to the exhibition.

I shot RAW and jpg and these images were processed from the RAW files.

In decent light the G10 can produce the goods, as light falls and you push the ISO above 800 the noise gets too much. 

Convert the images to BW and the ISO can be pushed much higher and the noise, to me, looks quite nice. i'll post some BW converted images in another post.

Images processed in Lr, Ps and EFX Pro as usual.

Canon G10 processed from RAW in Lr, Ps and EFX Pro

Canon G10 processed from RAW in Lr, Ps and EFX Pro

Canon G10 processed from RAW in Lr, Ps and EFX Pro

Canon G10 processed from RAW in Lr, Ps and EFX Pro